You are born with intuition – it is a natural part of you
The word intuition comes from Latin in-tuire, which can be translated as contemplating, looking, regarding or knowing from within.
Intuition is potentially available to everyone. Some people choose to align with and develop it, some do not.
Like a muscle with which we have been born, our intuition will grow with awareness, practice and our own personal/spiritual growth.
Your intuition adds value and meaning to your life
Learning to use your intuition adds value, meaning and quality to your life. It is an extra, valuable and immensely useful part of our life and work.
Using your intuition leads you towards the true, heart-connected, magic of life …. those things beyond the mind which are still real and often called coincidences, synchronicities and miracles.
Experiences which are commonly called intuitive, also include
discovery and invention in science,
inspiration in art,
creative problem solving,
perceptions of patterns and possibilities,
clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, retro cognition or déjà vu,
feelings of attraction and aversion,
picking up ‘vibes’,
knowing or perceiving through the body rather than the rational mind,
hunches and premonitions
Listen to and trust your intuition in daily life
The real pathway to accessing your intuition is to listen and trust your own inner guidance as truth, to discern the difference between your true intuitive knowing and your mind chattering
"Intuition allows you to see and sense possibilities that are inherent in a situation but have not yet been realized…….. it opens the way to inner freedom which can then be expressed in personal choices and decisive action"
The pathway to your intuition is .... what's real, true and in alignment with you
‘Intuition becomes real and works for you when you are consciously aware of it. When it remains unconscious, it functions at the level of instinct.
As you become more conscious you become more capable of tuning into it, acting on it and it becomes an effective factor in your life.’
You are already using your intuition
Your intuition has been given to you, it is part of you – you are often using your intuition already but not aware of it.
"As a way of knowing, intuition is experiential and holistic. When one knows something intuitively, one knows for sure, although one may not be able to explain or rationalize the feeling of certainty.
Intuition is true in the same way that any sensation is true; it is your experience and you know it for what it is
When given attention, intuition can become increasingly clear and useful"
Trust your intuitive curiosity
All journeys begin with the first, small step, with a desire and a curiosity to discover and experience reality differently.
To awaken your intuition and inner guidance will enhance and enrich your life. Trust, discernment and optimism naturally increase as does your confidence with your answers within
"Although one cannot make intuition happen, there is much one can do to allow it to happen"
You have your own natural 'style' of accessing your intuition
There are as many ways of using your intuition as there are people. Each person has their own unique style or ‘signature’ when using their intuition.
(c)Frances E. Vaughan for her quotes on Intuition
Intuition Resources
4 concrete ways to Get in Tuch with your Intuition
Psychometry's Fun! You can do it, too
Fast-track your Intuition with ease, calm & creativity
The Science of Intuition: Eye-opening Facts about Tuning In
Meditation: The Pathway to your Intuition AND Happiness
Artists Dates and Morning Pages - Liberate your Inner Guidance