Uplift and energize your office and business to increase your prosperity, energy, focus and success at work
Next time you want to feel this way clean your office and/or desk or house and see what happens
You can literally change or lift the vibration of your house by cleaning and de-cluttering - it'll bring in new opportunities much more quickly and it's fun!
Have you ever walked into a home where things were a little chaotic and in a state of disarray and you felt a little uncomfortable? You know that same feeling you get when you're watching hoarders on television.
Or have you walked into a home that was clean, pristine and looked like a museum and you felt really good there? Those "feelings" all have to do with the energy in the space.
Energy flows from the outside- in and flows from the middle of the house outward in a specific pattern that Feng Shui people call the 'lo shu flight path'
When chi/energy is flowing and there's an obstacle in its way, such as a stack of laundry, boxes, or just a bunch of stuff everywhere, the chi cannot flow uniformly and that's when you may start feeling stagnation, tired, depression, low energy, etc.
Fresh, clean, tidy energy brings opportunities for money, relationships and health
When energy is met with an obstacle, it diverts from its normal path, which in turn takes longer to complete the "lo shu flight path." For example, picture yourself driving along and all of the sudden the light turns read, which in turn forces you to come to a screeching halt. If you were to keep doing this a dozen times, it would eventually take longer for you to get to your destination.
Now use that same analogy and picture the energy flow in your home...every time its halted by an obstacle, it will take that much longer for the opportunities to come in
Lifting the energy of your home brings auspicious opportunities to you
By cleaning up after yourself
Cleaning the house
Clearing away clutter
Keeping your home pristine
These actions will lift the energy of your home and the chi will be able to flow freely and effortlessly this helping to bring in more opportunities for money, relationships, and health to thrive.