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7 Universal Year | The Numerology for 2023 to 10 Feb 2024

2023 | 7 Universal Year

In Numerology, each calendar year adds up to a single-digit number which holds a unique energetic influence and imprint

We all feel this energy and it’s called the Universal Year

This is how the universal year is calculated:  2023 | 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7

Everyone on the planet feels the same energy

Everyone on the planet feels the same energy

A Universal Year means that everyone on the planet will feel energy of a particular number during the entire year – from 1 January to 31 December

Each number comes with its own unique ‘personality, attributes or theme

Knowing what the focal point is for our collective consciousness during the year reveals the direction and how it benefits each of us individually and collectively

What can you expect from a 7 Universal Year?

The 7 Universal Year is a vital time for a collective slowing and a massive re-set

7 energy is about consciously diving inward - its primary focus is on spiritual and personal growth and evolution

It beckons us to go inward, quiet down, slow down, and connect personally and professionally with what’s really important this year

It asks us to

  • Take time to learn new approaches

  • To study and analyse

  • Ask questions and expect intelligent, data-driven answers

  • Learn what’s really valuable in your life (and work)

  • And to joyfully nurture more of it.

7 year - learning to develop trust

7 energies also ask you to connect with and learn trust in the Universe, trust in flow and trust in yourself

7 energy - facts, proof and data

7 energy is also about collating data, quantifiable knowledge and detailed information, and bringing them together with higher principles and intuitive knowing

‘The 7 Universal Year offers a vital pause for our global community to re-evaluate our deepest wants, needs, and values.

Its energy supports planning, learning, researching, and organizing'

The key is to take this time to reflect

In 2023 it’s important to understand the inner-workings, to revise and organize

2023/7 is the year to figure it out and feel it out

To do the research. To reflect on the longer-term consequences of how we manage and engage in our financial economies

2024 is all about bringing 2023’s new knowledge and revised trajectory into the material world

2023 - ready ourselves for a period of major transition

Starting in 2024, we enter into a 3-year phase of global transition and transformation

2024 is an 8 Universal Year where money and power take a front seat

The 7 Universal Year readies us for more humanitarian phase, one of spiritually mature decisions and actions

It’s an auspicious time in a 10-year cycle of universal energy to ask deeper questions AND nurture being open to the answers

'The highest expression of the energy of the 7 is expressed through its uncanny sense of flow, understand and embracing that which is out of our control.

Its mandate is to learn from mistakes'

Challenges of a 7 year

We can be challenged by opposing forces such as -

  • Avoiding issues

  • Surfing along superficially

  • Dogmatically adhering to narrow fields of information instead of opening to expanded realms of potentiality

  • Deep shadows surface to be seen and moved through

  • Feelings of victimization can be heightened

  • Resistance to letting go of what holds us back from a more evolved existence can be part of the overall picture

Re finances and pursuing the material dream

The global economy is a key pressure-point for everyone. Focusing on this exclusively will bring some kind of harder lesson or a ‘fall’ for during a 7 Universal Year

Maximise your 7 Universal Year 2023

The need for rest, reconnecting with the natural world and turning inward is the foundation for working with, not against the energy of the 7 Universal Year

  • Learn how to meditate

  • Learn Usui Reiki for yourself

  • Get out into nature regularly

  • Plant a big/little garden and watch it grow

  • Quiet down

  • Read a book

  • Take a class

  • Unplug from your devices regularly

  • Allow the time for personal and professional rest, rejuvenation and development

The 7 Universal Year asks us to collectively take leaps in our spiritual and personal growth and evolution to create a better world. Within us and all around us

Don’t be deceived!

7 energy years are focused, hard-working, business-as-usual, focused on awareness, re-evaluation and preparation for the up-coming 2024 to 2026 3-year cycle

Moving forward in a 7 year

This is an auspicious and vital 12-month cycle to organize, set a wise and intelligent course and prepare yourself for the major transition cycle starting in 2024 and completing at the end of 2026.


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