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ARIES: Your Beautiful Astro-Reading, Aries

21 March – 19 April

Aries' Personality

A born leader, you are open minded, curious, creative and gregarious with an infallible nose for what will serve others best as well as yourself.

Your curiosity guides you to step forward where others don’t, won’t or can’t.

Your fire-element passion gives you the perseverance and determination to reach your goals and once started, continue steadily until you reach them.

Aries – human and social behaviour

Fascinated by human behaviour, you are observant and discerning; you have a great ability for kindness and care – often masked or hidden except from your nearest and dearest.

Your natural spontaneity and your great sense of humour, commitment and initiative makes every gathering – social or team participation, a success.

Your magnetism and forcefulness drives events forward but beware, keep a weather eye on your desire to plan your next project before this one is complete – take it to the limit like only you can, dear Aries.

Aries Relationships – home and work

Like your element of Fire, you flare and burn, committing fully to friends, family and loved ones. You naturally love to ‘herd your team’ in what you consider the right direction for them – whether at home, work or on the field.

Cautious and careful in the beginning of close personal (and work) relationships, you commit for the long term. While you are happy to put in the hours to get what you want if others play the waiting game too long, you are off over the hills looking for the next engaging encounter.

While it may be ‘my way or the highway’, you are a conscientious and focused opponent, Aries – losing is not usually an option, in love or business.

Aries' Business and careers

Conscientious, determined and drawn to innovative projects and new experiences, your ruling planet is Mars, God of War.

You have the fire element of passion and tenacity within you so you are willing to plan, strategize and use timing to seize opportunities while others are still talking.

Your winning edge is your commitment and persistence and your natural ability to lead, direct and motivate others is a great business asset.

You will always work better in long-term partnerships – as long as loyalty, trust, openness and the rules you work by are respected and applied.

Classy Aries Signature-style and Fashion

  • Classic styles with your own personal flair for color and accessorizing reflect your leadership and media skills, dear Aries - unique and never overdone.
  • Even if you wear cost-effective copies, Chanel and Valentino suits are a perfect example of your classic but individual, long-lasting, style.
  • While you are just at home in torn designer denims and homespun cashmere sweaters – with or without the pearls – you love value for money and have an eye for vintage bargains.

Aries signature fragrances

Your practical and ever-so-casually-classy aura reflects your openness to the new, subtle and different.

Considered conservative by some, you are drawn to new, rare or unique water and natural scent signatures – think plants, herbs, leaves, refreshing mints and lemons combined with ambergris and oriental tones.

Sometimes surprising, always special, Aries!


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